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Pricing and Licensing

Problem solvers don’t just solve problems, they make digital transformation happen.

Boxed product
Single User

FileMaker box products can be purchased for single users and are available as a new license or an upgrade*.

There are separate prices for corporate/government and education/nonprofit use.

*Upgrade pricing for boxed product is not available for education/nonprofit.

Who is eligible?

Corporate and government: No eligibility requirements on boxed product.

Education: Customers purchasing educational boxed product must meet our eligibility requirements.

Nonprofit organizations with current proof of 501(c)(3) nonprofit status are eligible to order Claris software under Education/Nonprofit discount pricing. Nonprofit organizations outside the U.S. will need to meet similar requirements for their respective country. For more information learn more: eligibility requirements for education and eligibility requirements for nonprofit.

Corporate and government licensing programs
User Licensing

User Licensing is a simple, cost-effective way for teams to license the entire FileMaker Platform.

User Licensing is based on the number of unique users a company or organization has that need to use Claris software.

What are the benefits of User Licensing?

User Licensing provides access to the entire FileMaker Platform so Claris customers can gain the maximum productivity by leveraging the entire product line. User Licenses start at a low minimum initial quantity of 5 users and new users can be added as needed in increments of 1. In addition, licenses are now managed under a single license key that won’t change over time.

Concurrent Connecting Licensing

As an alternative to FileMaker User Licenses, we offer Concurrent Connections Licenses.

If you have anonymous users or occasional users, concurrent connections may be the best licensing method.

How do I license for anonymous or occasional users?

If your users are anonymous (example; web browser users) or occasional users, purchase a Concurrent Connections License (different from a User License). A Concurrent Connections license can be share amongst multiple individuals and includes the use of 1 FileMaker Server instance.

To determine how many concurrent connections you need, estimate the maximum number of clients that will simultaneously access FileMaker Server at any given time.

Site Licensing

As an alternative to User Licenses, we also offer Site Licenses.

If you have a large number of FileMaker users in your organization, a Site License may be your preferred option. A site licensing provides use of entire FileMaker Platform for a specified headcount (includes employees, temps, contractors, etc.) in the organization.

For more information on Claris Licensing programs, visit the Licensing FAQ or download the Licensing Data Sheet.

Education and non-profit licensing programs
Education and non-profit licensing programs

Claris offers qualified education and Non-Profit institutions, organizations and end users the opportunity to purchase Non-Profit/Education versions of Claris products for administrative, educational instruction or Non-Profit organization purposes.

Non-Profit/Education versions of Claris products cannot be used for any commercial purpose. A commercial purpose is any revenue-generating activity beyond the usual and customary activities educational institutions or Non-Profit organizations engage in.

In order to be entitled to benefit from the special pricing on the Claris Education & Non-Profit Store you must be

(1) a registered student and possess a valid student I.D.,

(2) you must be engaged as a teacher, lecturer or administrator at an education institution, and you must require the Product for your own use, for your classes, for research or for administration of the educational institution, or

(3) be a member of a Non-Profit organization and must require the Product for use in your Non-Profit organization.

Claris is entitled at any time to require that you produce evidence of your entitlement to purchase under this provision. Claris reserves the right to cancel your order in its absolute discretion if we should determine that you are not a student, teacher, lecturer, member of a Non-Profit organization and/or that you do not require the Product for your own use or for teaching, research or Non-Profit organization purposes. We will inform you if we cancel your order on the above basis. Any payments you have made will be refunded to you. The above terms and conditions are in addition to the general web store terms and conditions.

Please note that Non-Profit/Education programs and prices are subject to change without notice.

License Delivery
License Delivery

All Claris licensing is delivered to the end user via electronic download.

The customer will receive an email with the following:

A link to a web page which contains their Claris contract number, license key codes and software download instructions. If your customer did not receive the email, please ask them to check their spam or junk folder for an email from and add the domain to your acceptable email domains. If you need further assistance, please contact us.

Downloads and Resources