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MetaSys Software

Discover more about MetaSys Software, Claris partner.

MetaSys Claris partner

MetaSys Software is a software development and consulting firm based in India.  Their areas of expertise include Microsoft .NET, Claris FileMaker, Mobile applications (iOS, Android), PHP and MySQL web tools, Front end applications based on React and React Native and React JS.

MetaSys delivers cost-effective solutions and services of the highest quality with a relentless focus on customer service. They follow the off-shore model to give the benefits of lower cost of product development and maintenance yet maintain high quality.

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Main industries addressed

MetaSys Software develops apps and solutions, mostly for small and medium businesses in many industries:



Finance & Insurance



They develop custom applications in any domain where standard software packages do not work.

MetaSys Software and FileMaker

MetaSys Software has developed its expertise in FileMaker solutions for more than 15 years to deliver effective custom apps for their clients.

The company has selected FileMaker mainly for:

  • The ease of use
  • The rapidity to develop
  • The brand awareness of Claris, an Apple subsidiary

Illustration of MetaSys Software expertise

MetaSys Software successfully developed solutions to meet the specific needs and business challenges of customers. Here are two examples among many more.

The customer’s objective?

Have a solution to provide customized global transportation services and handle all the workflows: courier and logistics, international mail processing, document and package express.

The result?

The solution was developed in version FileMaker 5 and upgraded over time. The FileMaker application continues to effectively run their business.

The solution helps them face the challenge of high delivery and shipping costs, from and to the Mainland, as well as a complex customs charge and customs clearance process. This gives the Islanders the opportunity to order goods from anywhere in the Mainland at the best price without having to cope with exorbitant shipping and delivery charges. The integration with other tools allows to manage all credit card charges, and to send a SMS/Text messages to their customers easily

The mobile application helps their Customers to signup, track their packages and receive notification.

Another web interface was developed for their drivers, doing Shipment deliveries. It allows them to scan shipments, take a photo, enter delivery details and deliver the Shipment, with a confirmation email to Customers.

The customer’s objective?

Have a solution to simplify the filling of USISC forms and facilitate the US immigration process.

The result?

Evolution and updating of the existing solution with new services and new features. MetaSys Integrated the 360 works Plastic Plugin in FileMaker database, allowing a smooth PCI compliant process to manage credit card charges for the refund system.