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Kiza Solutions

Discover more about Kiza Solutions, Claris partner.

Kiza Solutions is a team of talented and enthusiastic software engineers primarily in Africa and the US that create software solutions, most often database applications. They help their clients work smarter and faster by automating repeated steps and integrating other systems.

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Main industries addressed

Kiza Solutions develops apps and solutions, mostly for small and medium enterprises in many industries:



Finance & Insurance





Publishing & Printing

Kiza Solutions and FileMaker

Kiza Solutions has developed its expertise in FileMaker solutions for more than 15 years. They not only deliver effective custom apps and vertical solutions for their clients, but also use FileMaker solutions to manage their own data.

The company has selected FileMaker mainly for:

  • The rapidity to develop
  • The flexibility of the solution
  • The brand awareness of Claris, an Apple subsidiary

Utilizing FileMaker technology, they are able to design new user interfaces and clean data models, bringing a single source of truth to their clients and establishing a new platform for rapid innovation. These new systems tend to become a source of pride and competitive advantage. As a result, their clients grow revenue while significantly reducing overhead costs and risks.

The Claris Partner program is an incredible opportunity for Kiza Solutions to progressively improve the way work gets done through rapid and innovative software solutions.

Illustration of Kiza Solutions expertise

Kiza Solutions successfully developed a solution to meet the specific needs and business challenge for the finance industry.

The customer’s objective?

Have an all-in-one system with innovations to automate their process.

They felt stuck in the day-to-day, with needless double-entry and mounting mistakes. They relied heavily on a loosely-fitting off-the-shelf website and filled in the gaps with spreadsheets.

The result?

Kiza Solutions created a plan with their customer and got started progressively improving the way they work. They designed a new user interface and a clean data model, to bring a single source of truth across their team. Next, they migrated data and replaced their antiquated vertical market tool.

Having established a new platform for rapid innovation, they removed ad hoc spreadsheets and data silos, rolled out integrations with suppliers and customers, and created end-to-end traceability, posting data to the blockchain.

Their new system has become a source of pride and competitive advantage. As a result, they have grown revenue while significantly reducing overhead costs and risk.

We proudly work hand-in-hand with Kiza Solutions to deliver innovative solutions for customers

Working with Winsoft International helps makes our vision possible: to create access to our talented global team of developers in 6 countries - USA, Rwanda, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa and U.A.E.

Bill Bennett, Managing Director & Founder of Kiza Solutions