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Building a custom app using Claris FileMaker

A step-by-step approach to successful planning, development, and deployment.
28 June 2023 • 2 min

A custom app is an app created using Claris FileMaker, designed to meet the unique business needs of a specific team. Apps can be created from scratch based on a simple idea, by modifying a built-in template, or by importing data from existing spreadsheets. Businesses use multi-platform custom apps on computers, mobile devices, and the web.

Master the art of building a custom app thanks this detailed guide.


A step-by-step approach to identifying user requirements.

Planning is essential.

It’s time to take a step back and evaluate the aspects that are unique to your business. 


Guidance for designing and creating a custom app.

Start building your custom app using Claris FileMaker.

Discover the steps for building a custom app and then begin to make your idea a reality.


Best practices for sharing your custom app with your users.

Deploy your custom app on premise or in the cloud.

Decide which products you’ll need to successfully deploy your custom app with your team.