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Discover more about Cabitas, Claris partner.

Cabitas Claris partner

Cabitas and their professional team of experts in the field are one of the largest software companies in Turkey.

With the strength of their experience in the software industry and experienced human resources, Cabitas develops customer-oriented solutions for business partners operating in different fields.

Visit Cabitas website

Main industries addressed

Cabitas develops apps and solutions, mostly for medium businesses in many industries:



Finance & Insurance

Automotive Spare Parts

Cabitas and FileMaker

Cabitas has developed its expertise in FileMaker solutions for more than 15 years. They not only deliver effective custom apps and vertical solutions for their clients but also use FileMaker solution to manage their own data.

The company has selected FileMaker mainly for:

  • The ease of use
  • The rapidity to develop
  • The flexibility of the solution
  • The enhanced security
  • The powerful set of tools for cross platform development
  • The seamless integration with other technologies
  • The brand awareness of Claris, an Apple subsidiary

The Claris Partner program is an incredible opportunity for Cabitas to highlight its expertise in FileMaker solutions and gain more opportunities for new projects.

Illustration of Cabitas expertise

Cabitas successfully developed solutions to meet the specific needs and business challenges of various customers. Here are two examples among many more.

The customer’s objective?

Have a solution to process custom production in manufacturing, manage the traceability of raw materials and bulk products and prepare precise quotes.

The result?

Cabitas designed a configurator to enable the customer to prepare a quote in a few clicks.
Inventory and production management are also now handled by the system.

The customer’s objective?

Have a solution to plan and manage events. Event organizations was challenging, every single job needing custom works for the tracking of attendees, digital communication, notifications, badges, check-in, printing certificates and so on.

The result?

Cabitas developed a custom app to track people and event.
All the paper works, digital communication and notifications are now centralized by the system using web services.
As a result, organizations and trainings are managed with a single system with rapid on demand customization opportunities.

We proudly work hand-in-hand with Cabitas to deliver innovative solutions for customers

We have a strong partnership with Winsoft and can rely on quick communication and a solution focused working approach.

Osman CABİ, Workplace Innovation Engineer at Cabitas