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Discover more about 24U, Claris Platinum partner.

24U Software Claris partner

With customers in 76 countries and 31 years of experience with the Claris FileMaker platform, 24U, based in Czech Republic, excels in developing new or taking care of existing custom desktop, web and mobile apps. They optimize their performance, identify and resolve potential issues and liabilities, improve reliability, stability and scalability, integrate them with other systems including various hardware devices, and extend them beyond expectation.

They help global businesses around the world to maintain sustainable growth by working with their in-house developers or completely taking care of the maintenance and development of their business solutions.

Visit 24U website

Main industries addressed

24U develops apps and solutions, mostly for medium businesses in many industries including:




Engineering & Architecture


Finance & Insurance




Publishing & Printing

Retail & Wholesale


24U and FileMaker

24U has developed its expertise in FileMaker solutions for more than 30 years and is a Platinum Claris Partner. They not only deliver effective custom apps and vertical solutions for their clients but also use FileMaker solution to manage their own data.

The company has selected FileMaker mainly for:

  • The ease of use
  • The rapidity to develop from simple apps to complex projects
  • The ability of the solution to adapt to adjust to ever changing business needs
  • The flexibility of the solution
  • The ability to create cost-effective solutions
  • The seamless integration with other technologies
  • The brand awareness of Claris, an Apple subsidiary

Being a Platinum Claris partner is an important clear indication to the customers that 24U trusts the Claris platform as a technology and highlights its strong expertise in FileMaker solutions.

Illustration of 24U expertise

24U successfully developed solutions to meet the specific needs and business challenges of customers. Here are two examples among many more.

The customer’s objective?

Have a solution to deal with a recurring problem of work order items getting lost (accidentally left somewhere) every day in the facilities, hard to find, causing delays and extra effort spent on finding them.
With over 400 new work orders entering the process every day, tens of items got accidentally misplaced and were being looked for daily.

The result?

By implementing automated tracking of work orders using RFID, directly integrated to existing FileMaker solutions, the solution currently being developed will eliminate the issue.

The customer’s objective?

Have a solution to maintain the quality of the crops produced by a large quantity of small local farmers, track the crops to their origin and ensure that the farmers, even in poor locations, get the money they are owed.

The result?

24U created a system that uses an iPhone app integrated with a digital scale, RFID reader and mobile receipt printer to efficiently capture data about crops and farmers.
The solution enables to produce printed receipts directly in the field and track every sack of crops from there to the final customer.
The solution, originally for a Malawi customer, was extended for other customers in Zimbabwe and Mozambique, and 24U keeps on working on new features. The mobile app is also available on the App Store.

We proudly work hand-in-hand with 24U to deliver innovative solutions for customers

HOnza Koudelka - 24U

In our 22 years in business, Winsoft is the most reliable partner we have ever worked with, sticking to every promise, having our back when supporting us in taking the best care of our customers, helping us to fulfill even their most unusual needs, without stepping in our way.

HOnza Koudelka, Software Division Manager at 24U